Sunday, February 10, 2008


I've just been informed by my religious friends that Lent has begun. So in giving up a few things, I also made the difficult decision to include blogging. In addition to that, I'll be attempting to live my life without eating sandwiches (HIMYM reference), Newport 100s, AIM, Facebook, Myspace, text messaging, fast food, soda, picking my nose while driving, hanging out with people, going to parties, American Idol, letting my laundry pile up, and reading tech news. That last one is probably the hardest. Seriously.

So I guess I'll be back later? I guess? will eventually happen. But probably not until maybe the summer or early fall.

Anyways ... according to Google Analytics, I have about 18-20 individual readers per day.

I want to know: who are you people?

I simply want to know who in his/her right mind reads this. I have friends that log onto this page just to see if they get mentioned. I have other friends hoping and wishing I write a funny post (that may happen every now and then). Sadly, I also have readers who read it because I remind them to.

But most importantly, I have people that lurk here; people who read my blog, but are ninjas about it. They don't ever leave comments. The rest of the hardcore readers are oblivious to these ninjas of my blogging universe. We want to know who you are. I want to know who you are. There are at least 18 of you who read this daily. I demand to know who you are!!1!

So please leave a comment below. As per usual, Grant Lee (mur) will be leaving all sorts of hateful comments. Or not. Perhaps just mentioning him will be enough to tame the comment beast. Nino might chime in with something witty. Gretel might make an appearance in the comments section. Local fangirl Julienne might also. Kevin and Calvin have done their fair share of responses. I have to mention that we are all patiently awaiting Allison to speak her mind. Anna Lai might want to defend her ski lift problems. Along with her, Les and Coy might also decide to finally comment. The great Peter Stizzle might decide to drop a dizzle, and so might his main squeeze Apes. Not sure if the last two really read, but that's 12 people. Who are the rest?!

Anyways ... brb


Drucio said...


U didn't tell me you were gonna stop blogging...

Oh n im posting this msg so early in the morning because i can't go to sleep n i really need a cigg badly. ;o

Kevin Yen said...

been giving up too many things lately... like not jonesing when i went over this morning... i guess for lent im just going to give up the art of giving up and just do everything. in excess. what say you?

mur said...

what a homo...3 of your individual readers are you just checking your page from work/home/ wish you had 18-20 individual readers.

while you're quitting for lent you should just quit permanently.

maybe you should quit life for lent.

jones johnson said...

I don't check my blog from home or my cell phone. Up until today, I've been using my work laptop to write the blogs every weekday, and to check the site statistics. I've blogged from home on a few occasions - mainly weekends - and those are when my numbers drop to 10-15.

Also, I get emails every time someone writes a comment. The emails tell me who left the comment, and what he/she said. Thus, I never have to actually log on to my site to see comments.

As for my phone, I've only used it a handful of times to check if youtube links worked.

I'm actually glad to be giving this up. You're starting to actually annoy me. It was funny at first. But now you're gay.

There are other things that have caused me to give up activities all at once, but I don't expect you to know that. So I forgive you for being a complete faggot during this time. You don't know any better.

And I already decided one thing before you even mentioned - I'm giving up life for lent. Perhaps for the rest of this year.

So keep hatin' baby, but go hate elsewhere. Go talk to someone else about how you now love the Giants. Go find another person to have IM conversations about how bored you are. Figure out who your new text buddy is going to be, and if he/she really really wants to talk BMW all the time. Get another friend who you only call when you're on your way to/from your girlfriend's. Also, maybe you'll have to find another pitstop in Millburn ... because I won't be living there anymore.

I'll pay you back this week. Dick.

mur said...

awwww anger

i'll think of a witty comment today to post up later

Anonymous said...

who shall i talk to during class on aim!
you suck.

btw.. are you balding? haha, picture of your 'waves' below has a bit of scalpage going on. it's prolly the lighting.

and i'm not a fangirl!

fanwoman is more like it!

Unknown said...


mrbluntface said...

no comment.

jones johnson said...

Couple surprises. Okay just one: Mikaila. You have truly been mad ninja. And just to clarify, Grant and I love each other. Always have since '93 baby.

nope said...


my name is in the jonesjohnson blog...cream, cream, cream.

and i DO read your blog on a daily basis...and i TOO will be sad that you will be giving up blogging for lent. why the hell would you that? what the hell has gotten into you1?!?!!!!!

Anonymous said...

question...did you draw that bad-boy sad-boy yourself? if so, props.

Also a big fan of the Godzilla one as well.

Before you leave blogging, at least draw MS Paint version of Grant in his underwear.

PS– it took me 4 days to write this comment.

jones johnson said...

I don't draw any of the pictures. For the Cloverfield monster, I actually googled "monster puke" among other searches. For this brb post, I googled "brb".

Not much originality in this blog =/

mrbluntface said...

tbh this might be the dumbest thing to give up for lent and ur not even religious.

jones johnson said...

Why Nino? Why?! You like me? Do you really really like me?!


Kevin Yen said...

i am so drunk. dumbest idea tongiht. ever. i walked outside, puked, and saw lesters snowman and was like w.t.f

g said...

oh snap i got mentioned in a post! yesss finally. and BEFORE julienne. HA! sad to see you won't be blogging for lent. i gave up facebook 2 years ago and it was so hard... i can't imagine how u are going to do all that. so what does that actually leave you to do for the 40 or so days?

p.steezy said...

im actually not one of your active readers. thats not to say i dont enjoy your blog. apez usually updates me on it and then ill go check it out. and speakin of...what the fuck??

why are you givin it up? im tryin to step my blog game up. ( challa at me!

maybe i should start lurkin here more often though

much lurv

jones johnson said...

Thanks for the comments guys. Instead of IMing and blogging, I've been taking pics of what I'm doing with my iPhone and mass emailing other iPhone owners. It has now moved on to people who don't even have iPhones.It's pretty dumb.

And I guess it's cheating that I use GoogleTalk right?

Meh. Whatever. But my mind is filled with sooo many ideas for blogs, but it's like I'm on a writer's strike.

See, now that would've been a good way to go into a hiatus.

I should've called this The Jones Johnson Writer's Strike!

PS - you guys notice I started putting ads now? I'm a loser.

Unknown said...

the argument: should fans keep on jonesing for more johnson??

you really shouldn't quit something you like and that you're obviously talented at. blogging is a good source of release for most people and you never know who's ninja-ing around the blogosphere. it's not like you're one of those emo queer bloggers. your blog is endlessly entertaining for its humor and its true to life subjects. a true window into a life of a common mid-20 yr old.

my favorite podcast/radio show is from 2 marrried guiys who have kids and all they do is talk about x-men for about 2 solid hours. its comical and true to life with their discussions on having kids and how life was back for them collecting comics in the 80s. they celebrate their mundane lives with a humorous conference call to each other twice a month and after 2 years..they have a serious fanbase and have had fans create a merchandising chain.

imagine that...a jonesjohnson mug...a jonesjohnson hair gel.... a jonesjohnson ultra fast keyboard ... or even a jonesjohnson social network

my last excuse for keeping a really never know what kind of emo chicks hang around these blogs. back in my asian avenue days i got some crazy numbers from girls that im still friends with today...when i used to have a facebook and IM. i even kept a decent livejournal for a while that i knew some girls were checking on...then those fucks deleted my account for being idle, bastards.

resolve: Keep Posting while you can and while you're writing is good, and not that of a little 14 yr old pussywhipped emo boy.

Kevin Yen said...

i read parts of that last post and i agree. i trust reccaikari , i dont know why but i just duuuu