Friday, January 11, 2008

Who Do YOU Look Like?

(As always, click pics for a larger view)

The guys over at Gamerhelp put together a list of people who look like video game characters. The above shows Carrot Top being compared to Street Fighter's Blanka. I hate Carrot Top. He wasn't funny when he was skinny and using those dumb props. And now that he's huge and wears makeup ... yeah, that doesn't help either.

And above we have another Street Fighter character being compared to Ghandi. Bad ass Indians right here, dude. But the striking similarity is eerie.

Someone once told me "Hey you look like that director guy who directed that Britney Spears video about uh...toxicity." I replied, "Do you mean Joseph Kahn who directed the awe-inspiring Britney Spears classic 'Toxic'?" That's the closest I've ever been compared to anyone famous. And yes, video game characters can be famous. And yes, I know, this director guy looks pretty strange. I wonder if he'll ever show anyone the footage of Britney that never made the final cut of "Toxic." It was a video that showcased something that we haven't seen in years: a hot Britney. Oh, and she was nude in the video with random sparkly things on her body.

But besides that, I've never really wondered about who else I look like. They say there are like 10 people in the world that look like you. I guess if I were slimmer and cut my hair, I could look like my friend Killa. Also, pictures of when we were about 9 years old show that my friend Alfonso and I looked similar when we were younger. These days I'm about 6 inches taller than him and outweigh him substantially.

In terms of videogames though - and in keeping with the Street Fighter theme I apparently have going on here - I think I look like E. Honda from Capcom's Street Fighter series. Below is the comparison.

On the left is me, and on the right is E. Honda. Pretty damn close right? E. Honda is basically my doppleganger! This comparison picture shows that we're nearly identical. Right down to the clothing style and makeup. However, I have nipples. Massive nipples. And in this world, nipples always win. Click the picture in order to see my nipples. Do it.

Thus, Jones Johnson >> E. Honda

Note: The ">>" is a mathematical symbol that means "much greater than"

Click the link to see more comparisons on Gamerhelp's site.

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