Friday, February 8, 2008

It ain't easy being Gleezy

Today is Grant H. Lee's 25th birthday. Yay.

Below are pics I found of Grant from a few years back (2003 mainly). I decided to show them so that we can honor the Great Gleezy and properly celebrate his birthday. Enjoy =)

[click picture for the larger version]

This is what happens when Grant and Nino are in Central Park looking for Dave Matthews.

We used to go to Newark Airport for absolutely no reason.

Here's another Central Park Moment brought to you by Gleezy and Nino.

My favorite of Grant's many ugly sneakers.

Ted <3 Gleezy.

Here, he is lovingly choking a Mexican.

Nino did a lot of sucking that night.

My personal favorite Grant Lee photograph.

Happy birthday, Grant! Keep the hateful comments coming. We love it over here at Team Jones Johnson.


1 comment:

Kevin Yen said...

u guys mad skinny back then