Tuesday, February 5, 2008

LIVE @ the New York Giants Superbowl parade!

Okay, Team Jones Johnson is live at the New York Giants Superbowl parade! I'm using my brand new MacBook Air and my brand new Wireless Charging Kit (power with no cords!) in order to update you on the parade. I can't show you any photographs of the Wireless Charging Kit (WCK) because it is extremely top secret.

Unfortunately, my iPhone has been acting funny for sometime, especially the camera. So I met up with Team GotPips and they're allowing me to use their pics, and coincidentally, they were taken using an iPhone (the now obsolete 8GB version).

GotPip's commander in chief, Kevin Yen, has graciously uploaded his pictures onto my MacBook Air. He has given us exclusive rights to use the photos and we appreciate that very much!

Because of GotPips' cooperation, we want you guys to visit http://gotpips.blogspot.com to check out Kevin's blog, and read about his thoughts on the foreign exchange market. If you are so inclined, you can even copy the moves he makes and perhaps be as successful as he has been (remember, he is the big honcho over at GotPips). However, I must state that I am in no way responsible for any losses that you may have. But I'll need to take a 25% cut on any profits, thank you.

Enough advertising, Kev? Okay good.

Below are two more pics from the Giants Superbowl parade.
As always, click for the larger version.

Again, I'd like to thank Kevin and the folks over at GotPips for allowing us to use their photos. I owe you a drink, Kev!


Kevin Yen said...

Funny part is that I had no intention of going to the parade. I had no idea it was going to be on Broadway...I was actually stuck on the other side of the road and couldnt cross the street to get to work.

Kevin Yen said...

wtf where all the fans at?

jones johnson said...

My readers are too scared to comment, cuz they'll think I'll bring the ban hammer on 'em

jones johnson said...

Gleezy wants me to delete his comment, but I won't. Cuz I love him no matter what. =)