Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ayo Technology / Facebook Whore

Some of you may not know this, but sometimes I request quasi-famous people on Facebook. A few months ago I discovered clarkandmichael.com, a website created by Clark Duke and Michael Cera (from Juno and Arrested Development). They had created webisodes and whatnot and I thought it was funny.

I searched for Michael Cera on Facebook, but I couldn't find the real one. Then I found Clark Duke and I added him. I went through his friends list and I saw Jonah Hill (Cera's chubby costar in Superbad). He still has not accepted my friend request.

Anyways, besides those guys I also requested Natali Del Conte, former host of TeXtra, a weekly video blog dedicated to technology news. I added her because, well, she's attractive and because she loves gadgets and technology!

I logged onto my Facebook last night, and I saw that there were new photos of Natali Del Conte from her going away party. She is now in New York and is working for CNET. One of the pictures caught me by surprise! She had taken a photograph with another tech/gadget girl, Veronica Belmont (as some of you may know, I have just recently started paying attention to her). I added her as soon as I saw she had a Facebook account.

You guys may not think that they're attractive, but in a geeky way, I think they are. Am I strange for feeling like that? Am I seriously that geeky now? Oh well.

Anyways, I showed you guys a photo of Veronica before. Natali has some photos online, but I want to change it up a bit and show a video. So here you go. Here are her outtakes and bloopers from her (now old) show TeXtra. You seriously have to play it! She's so adorable, in that techie kind of way.

Ayo, Timberlake, I am certainly NOT tired of using technology. Thank you very much!

Ayoooooo (sing it in your head now)

Update: Yay! Veronica Belmont has accepted my friend request. Meanwhile, Jonah Hill is too cool for me. I mean, I guess technically he is too cool, being in movies and all. But c'mon Jonah! I love your work! :sigh: At least I'm now Facebook friends with Natali AND Veronica. Yes, I agree, I live a sad sad life.


Unknown said...

I accepted your request too. Thanks for the nice post!

mrbluntface said...


g said...

i've tried friending people from the hills. it's sad `=T

p.steezy said...

i almost shit my pants when she said "boom goes the dynamite"

i think im in lurv