Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fanmail Schmanmail

I've gotten a lot of emails because of yesterday's story about how I met an ex-girlfriend. I apologize for the story's length, but everything I wrote was true. I have a feeling I may have flip-flopped people though. Maybe Joe wasn't there, and this other kid DJ was there instead. Not quite sure actually...

Anyways, I'd like to take this time to answer emails from some of my readers/fanboys/fangirls.

What made you start blogging?

Well a friend of mine showed me his (love you, Andy!) and I thought it was hilarious. It also reminded me of when I used to Xanga. So I wanted to start again.

Why don't you use real names?
Sometimes I write about events and the people in them, and they may get angry about the things I write. So I have to change them. Plus, I'm Jones Johnson. If I use a fake name for myself, I might as well use fake name for everyone else.

Have you always been as geeky as you claim?

I've been into technology and computers for a long time. My first computer was in 1993: it had an Intel 486 processor running at 25MHz, and had a 120 MB hard drive. I later upgraded it to 66MHz and I thought I was cool. These days, I just like to read about new technologies and gadgets that are either out on the market or on their way. When I'm with my friends, the geekiest anybody gets is when they talk about World of Warcraft. I'm not a fan of that.

What time is it right now?
It's 12:19 PM on Saturday, January 26, 2008.

I didn't ask for the date, dick.
Oops, my bad.

Why is your profile picture a cartoon version of Agent Smith from the Matrix trilogy?
I didn't know what picture to use, and I remembered this one because it's one of the background options for my iPhone. I've been Jones Johnson longer than I've had this blog, and I never really envisioned what a Jones Johnson would look like. But I've gotten used to the Agent Smith pic, so I guess I'll leave it. You guys should let me know how you feel about that.

Cloverfield sucked. What are you, an idiot?
Dude, you already left a comment. You hated it, I liked it. Get over it. No more Cloverfield talk.

Was that really Natali Del Conte that left a comment in the post called Ayo Technology / Facebook Whore?
Yes it really was. I initially thought that it wasn't, and that someone was pretending to be her. I emailed her, and to my surprise she responded and confirmed that it was her. That made my day. Actually, that made my week. No wait, I had Popeyes for dinner the other day. Now that made my week.

Please write about me. How come you haven't written about me yet? I wanna feel special!
Because I love your sister, Julienne. I'm kidding, she hates me. But seriously, I have nothing to write in regards to you. We talk online, but we don't hang out in person. I guess I could just write about the time you changed my Facebook status while I was asleep, and I got annoyed afterwards. But maybe you don't want me to do that. Or do you... Julienne? Okay, I guess I just wrote about you. Done.

Are you really as shy as you say you are, especially around girls?
In general, I'm a pretty shy person around people I don't know. It's the extreme opposite when I'm with my friends. But that's just how I am. I'm probably one of the most awkward people in the history of awkward people. The last time I spoke to a girl I didn't know, it was because she was asked me something about my iPhone. She asked: "Hey, nice phone, cutie. Are you really checking email at a bar?" My response: "Yes I am! People email me at 1 or 2 in the morning sometimes. So I just wanted to check. Gosh! What the fuck lady?!" She'd already walked away by the time I said gosh.

Was the last thing you said true?
No, I lied. I don't talk to girls.

Dear Teem Teem, I don't get what you write sometimes.
Grabe naman, pare!

Neil, please. Just ... seriously, please.

Will you be writing about your ex-girlfriend in the future?
Highly unlikely. Yesterday's post was more about how I was a shy boy around girls, and that it hasn't changed 10 years later. But it wasn't really about her, it was about me.

Hey man, you don't know me. I Googled "How to increase the size of my johnson because it's giving me the love jones." It led me to your site and I've been reading ever since. Can I call you Jonesy?
What the hell? You were jonesin' for a bigger johnson, and you ended up here. Nice nice nice.

Wuh wuh wuh?
Okay, this was from Nino. He's an idiot.

Are you ever going to video blog?
If I do, it won't be on here. Or maybe it will. I dunno. I have to find the charger for my camcorder first. I plan on eventually posting videos that I make with my friends. There are a few on Facebook that have generated some smalltime buzz. But nothing really worthy.

This blog is worthless. Why do you even write shit? Half the time, it's not even funny. Dude, just stop.
Everyone, this was from my good friend Grant. We've been friends since 1993. He means well.

Hey who's Alicia? Is that Allison? It probably is righh?

Yes, Anna, that is correct. You're a thug, by the way. And you taste like placebo.

Hey, how do you feel about the lack of DTS-HD MA decoding on the PlayStation 3?
Ah here we go. This is more like it. I think it's annoying that Sony hasn't addressed this issue. They haven't even responded to all the clamoring us A/V heads have been doing for the past year or so. Is it too hard to tell us whether DTS-HD Master Audio is capable on the PS3? They've given us Dolby TrueHD decoding via LPCM and that was good. But we're talking about the PlayStation 3 here; it's the most advanced video game system on the planet. We've all read the forums about how somebody found out that the chipset inside is incapable of DTS-HD MA decoding. Well, if this is true Sony needs to tell us! I'm sitting here waiting for my DTS-HD MA while all the Panasonic 30K owners have it. I have a receiver capable of decoding both Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD MA, but since the PS3 is also unable to bitstream, then it's useless. Ultimately, DTS-HD MA decoding via LPCM is good enough for all of us. The dream would be for the PS3 to bitstream straight to my Onkyo 605. Until then, we have to continue to be patient. Hey, they gave us Profile 1.1 right? Maybe Sony has one more trick up its sleeve. But they've got to tell us and let us know.

Since you can't use your real name, can you at least tell us some of your nicknames?

Why, of course I can do that, TechGurL57. Here they are:
Gentle Giant - from my style of play in basketball, and my size
Dolby Digital - my rap name in highschool
Carlito - Sweet Mike is obsessed with Carlito's Way
Temrio - it's a combination of a few names
Bailamos - only one person calls me this and her name rhymes with barrel

I couldn't answer all the questions. But here's a piechart showing the general breakdown of the types of emails that you, my lovely readers, have sent me. Thanks!

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