Sunday, February 10, 2008


I've just been informed by my religious friends that Lent has begun. So in giving up a few things, I also made the difficult decision to include blogging. In addition to that, I'll be attempting to live my life without eating sandwiches (HIMYM reference), Newport 100s, AIM, Facebook, Myspace, text messaging, fast food, soda, picking my nose while driving, hanging out with people, going to parties, American Idol, letting my laundry pile up, and reading tech news. That last one is probably the hardest. Seriously.

So I guess I'll be back later? I guess? will eventually happen. But probably not until maybe the summer or early fall.

Anyways ... according to Google Analytics, I have about 18-20 individual readers per day.

I want to know: who are you people?

I simply want to know who in his/her right mind reads this. I have friends that log onto this page just to see if they get mentioned. I have other friends hoping and wishing I write a funny post (that may happen every now and then). Sadly, I also have readers who read it because I remind them to.

But most importantly, I have people that lurk here; people who read my blog, but are ninjas about it. They don't ever leave comments. The rest of the hardcore readers are oblivious to these ninjas of my blogging universe. We want to know who you are. I want to know who you are. There are at least 18 of you who read this daily. I demand to know who you are!!1!

So please leave a comment below. As per usual, Grant Lee (mur) will be leaving all sorts of hateful comments. Or not. Perhaps just mentioning him will be enough to tame the comment beast. Nino might chime in with something witty. Gretel might make an appearance in the comments section. Local fangirl Julienne might also. Kevin and Calvin have done their fair share of responses. I have to mention that we are all patiently awaiting Allison to speak her mind. Anna Lai might want to defend her ski lift problems. Along with her, Les and Coy might also decide to finally comment. The great Peter Stizzle might decide to drop a dizzle, and so might his main squeeze Apes. Not sure if the last two really read, but that's 12 people. Who are the rest?!

Anyways ... brb