Saturday, December 29, 2007

Present Jones Meets Past Jones

I day dream a lot.

The other day, I imagined myself time traveling and going back a couple years to visit...myself.

Present: Wassup, dude? Watcha doin' ... homework?
Past: Oh, what the heck?! Who are you?
Present: Dude, it's me. I mean you. In the future. I'm from 2007.
Past: You're huge! ... But I do see the resemblance.
Present: Resemblance? You're an idiot.
Past: Um...
Present: So yeah, don't get fat. Okay? Deal?
Past: This is crazy. How'd you even do that?
Present: Fuckin' McDonald's dude.
Past: No, I meant traveling through time.

[Let's skip over the whole time-space continuum thing]

Past: Why is your hair so long? It looks pretty fugly.
Present: Who the fuck says "fugly"? What is this, 1997?
Past: 1999, actually. Anyways, what else are you here to warn me about?
Present: 1999? Damn it! I was supposed to go to 1998. Well, I guess I'll let that one thing slide.
Past: What thing?
Present: Don't worry about it. So um, do me a favor and go to film school or something. We like making movies.
Past: Yeah of course. But I dunno. Mom says it's not "concrete."
Present: Stupid. Make more movies. It's fun. Remember "Bad Baldies"? That was awesome.
Past: Yeah I just did that last year.
Present: Oh, right.
Past: Anything else?
Present: Yeah, don't fall asleep while you're driving. Also, don't try to avoid cones while driving. You'll thank me later.
Past: You mean I'll thank ME later.
Present: Whatever. Just don't crash cars. And work out, fool. Look at me.
Past: Yeah, I definitely will start now. Is that it?
Present: Buy an Apple. They're awesome.
Past: Haha! You're crazy. Apple sucks! Windows 98 for life baby!
Present: Okay then, freak. This is me leaving.
Past: See ya later, alligator!
Present: Seriously?

Which brings me to this question: Where would you go if you can time travel to one specific moment in time? You can only visit, and you can't alter anything. You're basically just an observer.

For me, it's a pretty tough call if I had only one choice. I'd want to visit the time when dinosaurs ruled the world. I think it would be amazing to see them moving, feeding, and doing their thang. Plus it would be really to hear what they really sounded like, just to see if Jurassic Park was accurate.

But I'd also want to go way into the future. To see what kind of crazy things we eventually invent. Teleportation, cures for diseases, different sports, etc. But it would be crazy to know if we eventually find life in planets other than our own. I'd want to know if we make contact with other beings, and how that would turn out to be. Imagine a spacecraft that can travel at the speed of light or even faster. That would be pure awesomeness.

But here I am. Stuck in this time, on the brink of 2008 and wondering what it will have in store for me.

Maybe Future Jones pays me a visit ... in a hoverboard.


Drucio said...

HAHAHA wierdo

g said...

bad baldies!!!! wow you should definitely find a way to put those movies online.

titanic was always my favorite though...